Check out this awesome newly released documentary about the climate crisis and regenerative agriculture, called The Need to Grow. If you don’t know a whole lot about regenerative agriculture and carbon banking through soil restoration, I highly recommend watching this! It is a fun movie that brings lightness and joy to a stressful conversation about […]

Save the Soil Save the World

October 15, 2019

Today I’m sharing a simple recipe for super yummy and medicinal bone broth. This flavorful broth has been made in kitchens for time immemorial, yet has only recently become popular here in the states. It adds wonderful flavor into any soup or dish, while also helping to heal the gut lining, promote digestion, and impart […]

Basic Bone Broth

October 8, 2019

It’s getting colder and darker outside this month, so getting a good night’s rest is extra important. Here’s an article on three powerful medicinals to support easy + peaceful sleep.

Medicinal Herbs for Sleep

October 3, 2019

Here are a few simple, but profound tricks I’ve learned along the way that drastically improved my health while also helping the planet. These steps will propel you along the journey of intuitive eating. I’ve broken them down into practical steps so that you can easily incorporate them into your routine! First, a disclaimer, when […]

7 Steps to a Healthier Diet

September 11, 2019

1. Drink lots of water. Make sure you’re drinking clean water that has been filtered. Having spring water delivered to your home in glass 5 gallon bottles is a great option. Add a pinch of unrefined sea salt and a squeeze of lemon juice to take it to the next level! 2. Eat fermented foods. […]

9 Ways to Keep Your Liver Happy

September 11, 2019

This delicious hot cocoa is a fabulous evening drink to help you ease into a restful sleep. The Cocoa butter and powder contain a few powerful ingredients that are major superstars in this recipe. First, magnesium is a key nutrient that helps us feel relaxed, fall asleep, and stay asleep. Second, tryptophan is an amino […]

Dreamy Mucuna Hot Cocoa

September 11, 2019

If you’ve been following me on instagram then you know I’m slightly obsessed with egg drop soup. After learning about the enormous healing powers of bone broth, I began incorporating it into my daily meals as much as possible. One of the easiest and yummiest ways to consume bone broth on the regular is egg […]

Egg Drop Soup

September 11, 2019

There a lots of choices of milk these days. When you’re browsing recipes on my site, you can choose any milk you prefer – anytime. I will always give my recommendations, and if a specific type is needed for that recipe I’ll be sure and tell you. I often choose to drink raw, local, and […]

Choosing Your Milk

August 26, 2019

Now I think I speak for everyone when I say ice cream is the bomb. However, if we’re being honest I have zero self-control when it comes to ice cream and I cannot stop myself from eating a whole pint once I take that first bite. So, once I learned how to make thick and […]

Mango Nice Cream

August 26, 2019