Basic Bone Broth

Today I’m sharing a simple recipe for super yummy and medicinal bone broth. This flavorful broth has been made in kitchens for time immemorial, yet has only recently become popular here in the states. It adds wonderful flavor into any soup or dish, while also helping to heal the gut lining, promote digestion, and impart vital nutrients. It might seem intimidating, but once you read this recipe you’ll see just how easy it is!

The recipe below is refined and winnowed down to focus on the most basic elements of making bone broth. If you get caught up trying to do things perfectly, you may never end up doing it! So today is just about the basics to get you started.

Once you get the hang of this, you can look forward to learning even more secret tricks that increase the medicinal value and nutrient-density of bone broth, while also making home-cooking more sustainable and affordable.

The Recipe

filtered water

pastured whole chicken or 2 whole legs

1 head of celery

1 yellow onion

1 bunch carrots

2 c maitake or shiitake mushrooms

1-2 heads of garlic

1 T black peppercorns (to taste)

1 T unrefined celtic sea salt (to taste)

fresh herbs such as rosemary, sage, thyme, parsley

1. Chop all of your vegetables.

2. Place all ingredients except any fresh herbs into a large crockpot.

3. Cover with filtered water by no more than two inches.

4. Turn the crockpot to high and skim off any foam that rises to the top as it simmers.

5. After 2 hours, turn the crockpot to low and leave overnight for twenty-two hours.

6. Add your fresh herbs during the final hour, either minced or in a bouquet garni.

7. Use a soup ladle and strainer to strain the golden broth into mason jars that can be stored in the fridge or freezer. Just be sure to let them cool before sealing and storing.

Serve the bone broth warm in a mug with fresh pressed garlic and ginger, make it into a delicious batch of soup, or use it to flavor home-cooked stews. With winter approaching, you’ll barely be able to keep enough of this on hand 🙂


xoxo Kelsey

**As always we want to prioritize ingredients that are: local, pasture-raised, unrefined, fair trade, organic, and responsibly sourced whenever possible. I don’t list these next to my ingredients because I think it can be overwhelming when reading a recipe, but know that I prioritize all of these things whenever possible. They are both important and worth the extra cost.**

“We need to stop calling local food expensive and start calling it valuable.” -@womenwhofarm

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