We could all use a little extra support to help us focus and stay on task. But for those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it’s about more than difficulty concentrating. Amongst other symptoms, folks with ADHD tend to have high energy levels, struggle with focus, and tend towards impulsivity. Not long ago, children and adults […]

Herbs for ADHD

January 3, 2022

These past weeks have been stressful and overwhelming for all of us. We know and we are right here with you. In the face of the COVID-19 outbreak, many people are experiencing more anxiety and stress than ever. Everyday life isn’t quite so ordinary anymore, and it’s hard to wake up in the morning without […]

Staying Calm in Quarantine

January 3, 2022

Here are a few simple, but profound tricks I’ve learned along the way that drastically improved my health while also helping the planet. These steps will propel you along the journey of intuitive eating. I’ve broken them down into practical steps so that you can easily incorporate them into your routine! First, a disclaimer, when […]

7 Steps to a Healthier Diet

September 11, 2019